Customer Testimonials

What Our Customers Say About Melissa and Pets Homes & Gardens

“From the moment you meet Melissa you can tell she is a kind and caring person, who clearly loves animals. She looked after our tortoise for 11 days this summer. Her pre-trip visit was very thorough, asking lots of questions, things I wouldn’t have thought to mention, to ensure she had all the information for continuity of care. It meant I left for holiday confident in the knowledge my pet would be well cared for and returned to a happy and healthy tortoise.”

R.W., Calcot, August 2017

“Melissa is a very welcome addition to the PHG family of pet carers in the UK. Being an experienced pet owner and really devoted to animals, she brings all the right qualities and values we want for PHG, and our prospective clients demand for their pets.

With the dedication, care and attention Melissa places on pets, I can recommend her without hesitation as an outstanding pet sitter.”

Peter Maxted, Managing Director PHG

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